Preserving the environment is more than ever at the heart of our concerns. Today, it represents a major challenge for companies. But how do you develop a sound sustainable development strategy? Thanks to the reuse of materials and the circular economy in office fit-out work, it's possible to adopt an ecological approach.
According to the Fédération Française du Bâtiment, the building sector alone generates 40 million items of waste. 75% of this is inert waste (concrete, glass, bricks, tiles, etc.). To reduce the scale of this phenomenon, in 2015 the European Commission adopted a measure limiting the landfilling of all waste to 10% by 2030. To encourage reuse, the circular economy represents a solution that is both effective and sustainable.
Limited ecological impact
By reusing previously used furniture, companies can significantly reduce their waste production. This can be achieved by collecting furniture such as office chairs, desks or lamps from second-hand shops or specialist websites. When the furniture is out of use, it can be given a second life through recycling and reuse.
For new purchases, it's important to favor sustainable, eco-responsible materials such as wood, plant-based materials and 100% recycled paper. In addition to complying with ecological standards, these higher-quality materials will last much longer.
Finally, this ecological commitment will also have a positive effect on the company's image. With environmental protection at the heart of the debate, employees will be as affected as customers by these sustainable actions.
Economic development
Thanks to reuse and the circular economy, companies can achieve savings of up to 20%. But that's not all: there are also advantageous schemes for companies wishing to carry out work (insulation, heating, ventilation, etc.) to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.
To help small and medium-sized businesses make the ecological transition, the French government has set up a range of grants and subsidies:
- Energy transition tax credit equivalent to 30% of expenditure up to €25,000
- ADEME financial aid for innovation and circular economy projects
- The Eco-Energy Loan (PEE), an equity loan of up to €100,000.
Other types of assistance are available depending on the company and the project.
Ecological gestures to adopt in the office
It's true that companies are the main decision-makers when it comes to sustainable development strategy. However, there are a number of things that employees can do in the office to avoid wasting materials and energy.
For example, it's a good idea to print documents on both sides to save paper. Then don't hesitate to set the printer to economy mode for drafts. This significantly reduces ink consumption. Finally, reusing these drafts will avoid wasting too much paper.
Other everyday gestures contribute to a sustainable ecological approach:
- Plug all appliances into a power strip so that they can be switched off at the same time when the office is closed;
- Switch off your computer as soon as you are away for more than 30 minutes;
- Hold meetings remotely rather than travelling to limit CO2 emissions;
- Turn the heating down or off when the temperature is sufficient (20°C);
- Choose LED bulbs, which consume up to 5 times less energy than conventional bulbs.