If there's one thing that can save you from a long, stressful working day, it's plants. Adding greenery to your workspace is not only good for your mental health, but has many other benefits too. With the right type of office plant, your workstation will look and feel like home. Not only do they add an aesthetic element to your office, but these indoor trees can also purify the air around them by removing toxins from the atmosphere. However, we tend to think that caring for plants is a difficult task. But if you're reading this article, you've come to the right place! Let's discover 6 easy-to-maintain office plants so you can start greening your workspace without getting tired.
1. Ficus benjamina: a popular office plant
Ficus benjamina is one of today's most popular houseplants. This species is one of the best plants for offices, because it's easy to care for: it doesn't need much water (only once a week) and doesn't require special soil.
Native to tropical regions, ficus benjamina also has depolluting properties. It can help to purify indoor air, absorbing most of the pollutants commonly found in offices, making it a real advantage in the workplace. Because of its popularity, you'll find it readily available in garden centres or from most florists, so you don't have to worry about where to buy it. It's also an inexpensive option, ideal for adding a touch of cheer to your office without breaking the bank.
2. Dieffenbachia: an easy-care office plant
Dieffenbachia is a tropical plant native to Brazil and Central America. This explains why it is so at home in our interiors, where it doesn't have to fear the cold. With its broad leaves adorned with yellow accents, there's no doubt that dieffenbachia will add a real decorative touch to your workspace.
An easy-to-care-for office plant, it will do well near a window, but not in direct sunlight. On the other hand, be careful to avoid cold draughts, which it doesn't like. If the weather is hot or too dry, don't hesitate to lightly mist the foliage, which will help it retain its full brilliance.
One of the particularities of dieffenbachia is the toxicity of its leaves: you'll need to handle it with gloves, or remember to wash your hands afterwards. For this reason, dieffenbachia is better suited to the office than the home, where it is less likely to be within reach of young children and pets.
3. Monstera deliciosa for an incomparable graphic effect
To create a real jungle effect in your office, there's nothing like monstera deliciosa! Also known as faux philodendron, this magnificent tropical plant with its large, graphic leaves is a perfect fit for almost any space.
Like the above-mentioned species, the monstera deliciosa is an easy-to-care-for office plant, as long as it is not placed in direct sunlight, which could damage its leaves. To keep it at its best, however, it needs a little fertilizer. This will provide it with all the nutrients it needs for growth. Like all plants native to tropical regions, it appreciates humidity, so don't hesitate to spray a little lukewarm water on its leaves from time to time.
Despite these recommendations, this wonderful plant is one of the hardiest. And you'll have no trouble buying it commercially, as it's one of today's hottest plants.
4. Pothos: a plant for a dim office
Would you like to embellish your office with plants, but are worried that they'll suffer from lack of light? In that case, opt for pothos, which is perfectly suited to low-light environments. It can even survive under purely artificial lighting.
That's why this plant is so popular in professional settings, not to mention its aesthetic appeal. With its beautiful yellow-spotted drooping leaves, pothos can be placed on a shelf facing your desk. This way, you'll be able to keep a constant eye on it as you work, making for a much more pleasant environment.
The pothos also comes in a climbing version if you provide it with a support. You can also choose to place it in a pot directly on the ground. This easy-to-maintain office plant doesn't need much water: just water it when the soil is dry, but don't over-water.
5. Ivy: a highly decorative climber
Another easy-care climber is ivy. This evergreen species can thrive just about anywhere, making it ideal for an office.
Placed high up, ivy lets its leaves fall gracefully, adding real charm to your interior. Note, however, that ivy is a fast-growing plant. So, if it becomes too invasive, don't hesitate to prune its leaves from time to time, ideally from spring to autumn.
An easy-to-maintain office plant, it nevertheless appreciates generous watering. The best method is to run water over its soil in a sink, then let it drain for a few moments before replacing it in its pot. Be careful never to leave stagnant water in the pot, as this can be fatal (as with most plants).
6. Aloe vera: a little office plant with many virtues
If you prefer a space-saving plant for your office, an aloe vera will do the trick! As a member of the succulent family, aloe vera is not particularly water-hungry. So it can survive even if you sometimes forget to water it. So this plant is ideal for beginners or anyone without a particularly green thumb.
Aloe vera is a plant with many benefits. The gel contained in its leaves is widely used in dermatology to relieve many ailments, such as sunburn, burns, chilblains and skin inflammations. To harvest it, simply cut the leaves at the base, then cut them into small pieces to extract the gel completely.
Aloe vera is not only inexpensive, it also has a tendency to multiply on its own. So you can grow cuttings very easily, then offer them to your colleagues, so that they too can enjoy its benefits.